Tailwind admin template designed to make it easier to create dashboard layouts with Tailwindcss 3 and Alpine js. Available in various categories such as Cms, Analytics, Crm, Project, Ecommerce and Hosting. Equipped with automatic tools such as gulp, Browsersync and others to facilitate the build process.
Here is the design from Taildash:
Tailwind Admin Template Ecommerce

Dasboard ecommerce is a dashboard theme designed with responsive UI components for ecommerce. Sample pages and special components are available such as product pages, product lists, order details, seller lists, customer lists, shopping carts, checkout, invoices (ready to print).
Tailwind admin template Features
- View total orders
- New customers
- Online users
- Mountly sales
- Traffic sources
- Marketing platforms
- Revenue
- Bestseller products
- Latest order tables
- and etc.
Tailwind Dashboard CMS

Tailwind Dashboard Cms is equipped with various features that make it easier for you to manage content from the dashboard page. Integrated with chart.js to view statistical data from the website.
Tailwind dashboard Features
- Total views visitor
- Total likes
- Total comments
- Total shares
- Visitor traffic
- Most search keywords
- Visitors by country (maps)
- Post list with tables & sorter
- New followers
Tailwind Dashboard CRM

Customer Relationship Management Dashboard with simple features. Easy to apply in various types of CRM dashboards. The layout is responsive and looks good on various devices.
Dashboard CRM Features
- Monthly revenue
- New contact
- New lead
- Deal statistics
- Today task
- Deal pipeline
- Email sents
- Schedules
- Won deals
- Leaderboard table
- Campaigns platform
Tailwind Dashboard Hosting

Hosting dashboard is designed for hosting service members. Customers can access the member area page with a beautiful dashboard display. The layout is neatly and attractively arranged so that the user is comfortable to see it.
Hosting Dashboard Features
- Subscription services
- Active domains
- Total tickets
- Total invoices
- Available storage
- Wallet balance
- All subscription fees
- Order history
- Service lists.
Tailwind Dashboard Project

Dashboards project for creating independent or team project. Equipped with charts and layouts to make it easier to analyze project progress.
Dashboard project features
- Project launch date
- Productivity
- Recent tasks
- Team progress
- Recent activities
- Leaderboard
- Latest Project table
- Project budgets
- Project statistics.
Tailwind Dashboard Analytics

Dashboard analytics to analyze traffic data on the website through the admin area. The display is responsive and simple to make it easier for you to run it.
Dashboard Analytics Features
- Sessions duration
- Bounce rate
- Number of online users
- Sessions by country
- User device
- User browser
- Most popular url
- Traffic channel
- Referral url
- Active user
Saas HTML Admin Template (new)

Sales Html Admin Template (new)

Admin Panel Tailwind Marketing (new)

How to start with Taildash template ?
Start using taildash in your project, please follow the guide provided on the documentation page. Most of the templates use Node js and gulp for the build process.
To get started is quite easy
- Open taildash/directory
- Running “npn install”
- Running “npm run start”
- Yups That’s it